RVs never go out of style, and there are always places that welcome drivers and their varied rigs. Some places are more RV-friendly than others. Quartzsite, Arizona is a special example. Quartzite‘s a small town about 130 miles west of Phoenix. This tiny desert hamlet of fewer than 4000 people draws RVs from all over the country, even the world, with an exciting array of activities and events specifically designed for those who travel in a tiny home on wheels.
RVs For Rent in Arizona
The Desert in Winter

What RVers really seem to appreciate about Quartzsite is the space. The city and immediate outlying areas are dotted with RV parks, from luxury resorts to the most basic lots. Plus, there’s always room in the desert. No matter the time of year, and even if the array of modern trailer parks already in and around town fill up, there’s always the option of boondocking in the desert. This refers to the practice of parking in a place that allows camping, and often for free or a very small amount, but is fairly isolated and doesn’t offer much in the way of amenities or utility hookups. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) oversees much of the area available for boondocking and has an area specifically reserved for long-term visitors.

The Rock Party

The official name for this weekend camping and music festival is the Rock Fiesta, which is the main event in Quartzsite during Spring Break in late March. The festival takes place in the Sonoran Desert and focuses on live musical performances that include both bands and DJs. The event also has other unique features like a saloon and a giant water slide. As this is also about camping, there’s also plenty of space for both tents and RVs, so you can park your home on wheels right on the festival grounds. If you come without an RV, you can even rent one at the festival, and enjoy the party for two days, rain or shine, sleep or no sleep.
Welcome to the Show

If you’re asking which show, then get comfortable, because there are a few and they are all about RVs and related topics. There are the rock, gem, and mineral shows that showcase the beauty of the local desert and mountain environment, the many flea markets, and then there’s the mother of them all, the Quartzsite Sports, Vacation & RV Show.

According to the state highway department, almost a million people, most of them in RVs, arrive in Quartzsite specifically to take part in or visit this event. About 150,000 people annually attend this event, making the show the largest gathering of RVs anywhere on the planet. Of course, the event is held in a trailer park and is within walking distance of the Tyson-Wells Rock and Gem Show.

When you learn about the amenities and events that take place in this small city, it’s easier to understand how this small town, deep in the Arizona desert, is so popular with RVers. Virtually the entire state is designed to be friendly and welcoming to recreational vehicles, regardless of their size, style, or cost, and Quartzsite is the culmination of all these factors. So turn your little house on wheels to the majestic Arizona desert, and experience the hospitality of a winter oasis, the very RV-friendly oasis.