Outdoorsy search is a fine-tuned machine that we’ve honed to help guests find your rig when it fits them. From our new targeted landing pages to the built-in filters that zero in on categories of campers, we’ve got your back when it comes to showing off your rental.
That said, there are times when you’ll run into outdoorsy folks out in the wild. And for these moments, we have a separate box of tools you can use to creatively refer people to your listing. Let’s check those out.
‘Rent me on Outdoorsy’ QR Decals
Picture this — a guest rents your RV and rolls into a national park. While there, said guest is the most popular kid at the campground because all the other camping people think that your RV is the coolest.
But alas, your guest can’t find your listing to share with his/her fellow campers who are eager to rent your rig for their next trip.
To help you capture these and other live marketing opportunities, we now offer free ‘Rent me on Outdoorsy’ QR code decals. These decals let onlookers scan straight to your rental listing from their smartphone. Check out all the designs and get your free decal here.
‘Invite a Guest’ Feature In Your Host Dashboard
Let’s say you’re out and about with your rig between rentals. Someone runs up to you and is like: “Hey! That’s an awesome RV, you ever rent this thing out?!”
And of course you do, but it turns out this someone hasn’t signed up for Outdoorsy yet. No problemo!
Just hop into the ‘bookings’ tab on your host dashboard and you can send them an invitation to join. You can even customize to give them a special deal for the specific dates they want.
Better still — we’ll waive their guest fee and lower your owner fee when you bring in rentals like this from new guests!
Refer a Friend
Did you know you can get paid in Outdoorsy travel credits for bringing new guests on? Yep, it’s true — score $75 in OD money for any new guest you get booking on our platform, whether they rent your rig or not.
The guest saves $50 off their rental too, all for using your referral link. You can even refer new hosts and pocket $100 for doing that.
This tool works great when you have a blog, Instagram page, or other channel where you talk about RVing-related things. Get going here.

Outdoorsy has your back when it comes to the heavy lifting of getting your rig noticed in the competitive RV rental space online. We’ve also built a bunch of tools like the ones above to help you do some guerilla marketing that brings people straight to your listing on our platform. Fire these up to kick on all marketing cylinders in your business.