Outdoorsy memberHost since April 2021
575% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
About Masha and Rhys McArthur
Outdoorsy memberHost since April 2021
575% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
Memories made on trips with Masha and Rhys McArthur's RVs
Roman B.
5June 2024
Chris W.
5June 2022
Renting Masha and Rhys's '56 Shasta was a super positive experience. We took it to El Capitan and it was the perfect camper for us. It is lighweight so it's easy to tow and it's the perfect size for those beach campgrounds up the SoCal coast. It was packed with everything we needed: silverware, dishes, glasses, cooking utensils, bedding and even a bug zapper. There is plenty of space for storage as well.